Customizing Your Vinyl Windows: Options For Colors, Finishes, And Hardware

17 April 2023
 Categories: , Blog

As a homeowner looking to update your windows, you may be wondering how to add a personal touch that reflects your style and complements your home's architecture. Fortunately, vinyl windows provide highly customizable options for creating a unique and visually appealing look. Here's what you need to know to ensure that new vinyl windows truly enhance your home's aesthetic. Selecting the Perfect Color Gone are the days when vinyl windows were only available in white. Read More …

Apartment Blinds — Shopping Tips For Landlords

24 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If you're a landlord and manage an apartment complex, one thing you'll need to invest in eventually is blinds. They're an important part of each unit, especially from a privacy standpoint for tenants. You can choose optimal blinds in no time if you use these shopping tips. Establish a Budget First You probably only have so much room in the budget to spend on blinds for apartment units. As such, you need to figure out what this budget is before you go out shopping for new blinds. Read More …

Misconceptions About Having Your Windows Replaced

31 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Windows do not last forever. In fact, their lifespan is significantly shorter than the lifespan of many other home components, which means you're likely to have to replace your home's windows at some point. When you do, having some knowledge about window replacement will be helpful. That makes this the perfect time to clear up some common misconceptions about window replacement. Misconception: All replacement windows are white and plain. You've probably seen some homes with new windows that are framed in plain, white vinyl. Read More …

About Me
Windows: The Glass We Admire

When was the last time you simply sat and looked through a window? This is such a relaxing experience. Looking through a window can feel like you're catching a glimpse of a different world, even if you're just looking at the yard outside your home. So often, our windows go unappreciated, but surely, our homes would be less enjoyable without them. On this blog, we hope to teach our readers more about windows in order to increase their appreciation for this home element. Learn about the different styles of windows, materials used to make them, how to keep them cleaner, and much more.
