Windows: The Glass We Admire

Cleaning And Maintenance Tips For Well-Working And Beautiful Windows

24 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Your home's windows provide a beautiful view of the outside world from your home's interior, but they also provide a level of protection against outside threats. Overtime, your windows can age; they need upkeep and cleaning to keep them working as they should. Here are some helpful measures you can take to keep your home's windows maintained to keep their high level of protection to your home. Clean and Maintain Your Windows Read More …

Renovating An Older Home? Tips To Choose The Windows And Glass

24 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you are renovating an older home, you have many choices to make. One of these is replacing the windows and glass, and you have many options to choose from, which can make it difficult. The information below should help make the choice easier.  Types of Windows One type of window you can choose from is known as double-hung windows. These windows slide up and down in the window frame. The windows are stacked, which means you can open both windows at the same time. Read More …

The Homeowner’s Guide To Replacement Window Styles And Options For Complete Home Renovations

23 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you want to renovate your home with a more modern design and energy-efficient improvements, replacement windows can help with your renovations. There are many different options for replacement window styles. Different materials and options to give you the right solution for updating the windows and doors in your home. The following guide will help you with choosing the right replacement windows for your home. 1. Materials and Common Styles Read More …

3 Benefits Of Vinyl Windows

23 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

New windows are a great way to make a significant difference in your home's appearance. There's also more to installing new windows than just improving curb appeal. Replacing your old windows can also mean lower energy bills. New windows are typically far more energy-efficient than old single-paned windows. When it comes to windows, many types may work for your home. Vinyl is a popular option with homeowners for many different reasons. Read More …

What To Know When Shopping For New Windows For Your Home

20 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Are you about to start shopping for new windows for your home? If so, it helps to know the following things to ensure you make a good decision. Verify Why Windows Are Needed If your concerns are about buying windows that are better for the environment to reduce energy consumption, or because your existing windows are damaged or rotting, then those are great reasons to upgrade. However, many homeowners make the mistake of buying new windows because they simply want to save money. Read More …

About Me
Windows: The Glass We Admire

When was the last time you simply sat and looked through a window? This is such a relaxing experience. Looking through a window can feel like you're catching a glimpse of a different world, even if you're just looking at the yard outside your home. So often, our windows go unappreciated, but surely, our homes would be less enjoyable without them. On this blog, we hope to teach our readers more about windows in order to increase their appreciation for this home element. Learn about the different styles of windows, materials used to make them, how to keep them cleaner, and much more.
